I'm an old EQ2 veteran. I've been playing since launch (started as an Erudite fury on the Bazaar server) and have come a long way since. Not only do I try to maintain accounts here on EQ2x as well as live, but I'm also an active EQ2 guide... so my schedule stays pretty busy between that, work, and my other random hobbies.
I live in an apartment with three cats and a leopard gecko... used to have a fish but the first one became a popsicle during a long winter power outage, and the other one got dropsy from our weird town water (which leaves a pink residue on everything)... so I've given up on having fish for now.
I enjoy a variety of hobbies, mostly creative, including drawing, crocheting, and lately quilting. I'm also very musical, I enjoy just about every type and genre of music except for blues. Blues make me irrationally angry for the most part; Eric Clapton is tolerable.
I work customer service, and I'm very much a people person. In game, I don't mind trying my best to help out people and answer questions.
Um... anything else, I guess I'll add as I go. Or something.